Cable Coaxial | Rg59u 100 m Carrete Blanco

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80,99 €
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Standard coax cable on a 100-metre reel, to distribute analogue television signals.
This cable delivers sufficient attenuation and double shielding against signal interference in and around your home.
Standard coax cable on a 100-metre reel, to distribute analogue television signals.
This cable delivers sufficient attenuation and double shielding against signal interference in and around your home.
• 100 m coax cable on big reel for long-length installations
• Double cable shielding, for maximum protection against radio frequency interference
• High-quality oxygen-free copper (OFC) conductors, for the lowest possible signal loss
Attenuation (dB / 100 m):
100 MHz: 10.3 dB
500 MHz: 21.6 dB
950 MHz: 30.4 dB
2050 MHz: 46.2 dB
2400 MHz: 50.4 dB Standard coax cable on a 100-metre reel, to distribute analogue television signals.
This cable delivers sufficient attenuation and double shielding against signal interference in and around your home. Cable coaxial
Clase de CPR Eca
Color Blanco
Conexión A Ninguno
Conexión B Ninguno
Connection A & B Ninguno - Ninguno
Diámetro 6.0 mm
Diámetro de conductor 0.65 mm
Diámetro Dieléctrico 3.65 mm
Diseño del cable RG59U
Embalaje y empaquetado Carrete
Impedancia 75 Ohm
Insulation PE
Longitud de cable 100.0 m
Material del conductor Cobre
Materiales PVC
Protección Double
Tipo de cable Coaxial

Standard coax cable on a 100-metre reel, to distribute analogue television signals.
This cable delivers sufficient attenuation and double shieldin
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Cable Coaxial | Rg59u 100 m...

80,99 €